FINENEX Services


FINENEX combines blockchain technology with traditional financial technology to provide differentiated financial services. Below are the main services of FINENEX.


Private Blockchain Network services connected to Public Blockchain Network

FINENEX allows for the creation of a Private Blockchain Network when it is difficult to directly apply services to the Public Blockchain Network, enabling the application of such services and the launch of services tailored to the specific situation of the service model in conjunction with the Public Blockchain Network. By actively utilizing Private Blockchain Networks, you can overcome the technical problems and excessive costs of Public Blockchain Networks, and effectively respond to business situations such as regulations from financial authorities and ambiguities in business models.



Digital payment and remittance services

FINENEX supports traditional digital payments such as cards, QR codes, and payment services, as well as digital asset payments and remittance services through DEX, CEX, and P2P. Since regulations regarding digital payments and digital asset payments and remittance services vary by country, FINENEX plans to expand its services while complying with country-specific regulations.



Digital loyalty and mileage services

FINENEX offers loyalty and mileage programs to increase customer loyalty. Applying blockchain-based tokens to loyalty and mileage services can provide various advantages compared to existing loyalty and mileage programs. Business operators providing mileage services can swap issued mileage tokens to expand the utility of mileage tokens, and mileage tokens can also be exchanged for digital assets.



Identity authentication services

FINENEX uses Decentralized Identity (DID) technology to build identity authentication and trust for clients and partners. This protects personal information and enhances the reliability of financial transactions.



NFT and digital asset trading services

FINENEX supports NFT and digital asset trading, helping users to easily buy, sell, and trade digital assets. Integrated with CEX, DEX, and Market Place, NFT and digital asset trading services are provided.



Financial product and service development support

FINENEX supports business experts in developing and monitoring financial products and services related to digital assets without the help of programmers through BPMN and DMN-based solutions.This accelerates the financialization of digital assets in products and services.
